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Patrice T. has experienced the disease of alcoholism and the gifts of sobriety, both as a child of an alcoholic and later as the alcoholic herself. At one point, her own alcoholism overlapped her father’s struggle with the disease until she, too, found sobriety. Her story is fraught with the strife of her father’s alcoholism through her childhood and adolescence. And, like many of us, she started drinking as a teenager despite what she saw in her own home. Drinking brought both relief and release to Patrice’s increasingly chaotic life. By the time she was practicing nursing in her early 20’s, her alcohol use had morphed from an enjoyable pastime to a daily, and seemingly unbreakable, habit. During this time, Patrice’s father had entered the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous. While her father’s life in AA was steadily improving, Patrice’s life was rapidly deteriorating. And even though she knew her father’s life was getting better, and he sometimes subtly shared his positivity about AA, Patrice simply wasn’t ready to quit. It took hitting bottom for her to admit she was licked. She was finally ready to stop drinking and joined AA. That was 43 years ago. Over four decades, she has enjoyed sharing the blessings of a sober life with her father, who died with 32 years of sobriety through AA recovery.
Patrice’s sobriety is firmly rooted in the center of AA. Her involvement in meetings, sponsorship, and all varieties of service have led to a full and meaningful life. The grave challenges she has endured and overcome are strong testimony to the kind of healing found only in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous. Her willingness to carry the message and reach out to other women speaks to the commitment she learned early and still practices to this day.
I’ve gotten to know Patrice over the past few years and am most impressed with her approach to working the Program. I think you’ll find her tale of long-term sobriety to be both inspiring and enthralling. So put the world on hold for the next hour and ten minutes while you enjoy this episode of AA Recovery Interviews with my friend and AA sister, Patrice T.
Check out Howard’s Big Book Podcast, the complete unabridged audio version of the First and Second Editions of Alcoholics Anonymous. The Big Book Podcast is an engaging cover-to-cover, word-for-word reading of all 11 chapters and Personal Stories, many of which were left out of the Third and Fourth Editions. Subscribe for free on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. Or listen on https://bigbookpodcast.com
[Disclaimer: AA Recovery Interviews podcast strictly adheres to AA’s 12 Traditions and all General Service Office guidelines for safe-guarding anonymity on-line. I pay all podcast production costs. No advertising is allowed. And no one receives financial gain from the show. AA Recovery Interviews and my guests do not speak for or represent AA at-large. This podcast is simply my way of giving back to AA that which has been so freely given to me. -Howard L.]