Don M. – Sober 28 Years

Though Don didn’t start drinking until his late teens, his first drunk was a harbinger of things to come. Drawn to the quixotic allure of the hard-drinking, tortured artist, Don’s painting created a solitary lifestyle that nurtured his growing alcoholism. Ironically, painting houses became his chief means of funding his daily drinking in neighborhood bars. Though alcohol consumed more and more of his life, Don still managed to function well enough to support his growing family. But his drinking inevitably became a source of major damage to his marriage. Half-hearted attempts to stay sober over the years consistently failed. The hole he’d excavated was taking on the appearance of a grave. But an unexpected realization about his alcoholism and its effect on Don’s young son provided the moment of clarity Don desperately needed to change his life. He quit drinking and went to AA the next day. That was 28 years ago.

As he attended meetings, worked the steps with a sponsor, and began to sponsor other men, Don’s journey in AA steadily improved his life. Though true spiritual awakening didn’t occur until years into the program, he persevered and gradually found spiritual connection from which many gifts have arisen. Taking him through both tragedies and times of struggle when he wanted to drink but didn’t, his sobriety demonstrated the impact of a well-worked Program. Don’s long-term marriage and other gifts over the decades provide proof against doubt that the Program really does enrich life one day at a time. Don’s story is both informative and captivating. Even if you’ve been able to piece it together by listening to his podcast, I think you’ll enjoy hearing it in the context and emotional resonance of the AA Recovery Interviews podcast. So get comfortable and enjoy the next hour and ten minutes with my new friend and AA brother, Don M.

Check out Howard’s Big Book Podcast, the complete unabridged audio version of the First and Second Editions of Alcoholics Anonymous. The Big Book Podcast is an engaging cover-to-cover, word-for-word reading of all 11 chapters and Personal Stories, many of which were left out of the Third and Fourth Editions. Follow us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. Or listen on

If you’ve enjoyed my AA Recovery Interviews series and my Big Book podcast, have a listen to Lost Stories of the Big Book, 30 Original Stories Missing from the 3rd and 4th Editions of Alcoholics Anonymous. It’s an engaging audiobook I narrated to bring these stories to life for AA members who’ve never seen them. These timeless testamonials were originally cut to make room for newer stories in the 3rd and 4th Editions. But their vitally important messages of hope are as meaningful today as when they were first published. Many listeners will hear these stories for the first time. Lost Stories of the Big Book is available on AudibleAmazon, and iTunes. It’s also available as a Kindle book and in paperback from Amazon if you’d like to read along with the audio.

[Disclaimer: AA Recovery Interviews podcast strictly adheres to AA’s 12 Traditions and all General Service Office guidelines for safe-guarding anonymity on-line. I pay all podcast production costs and no one receives financial gain from the show. AA Recovery Interviews and my guests do not speak for or represent AA at-large. This podcast is simply my way of giving back to AA that which has been so freely given to me. -Howard L.]

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