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Nadia’s personal story was published in the 4th Edition of Alcoholics Anonymous in 2001. She’s the first AA member I’ve interviewed whose backstory can be read by anyone with a Big Book. Combined with today’s interview, Nadia’s story comes alive in many ways, beginning with her emigration from France after World War II with her mother who had suffered as a slave laborer under the Nazis. Landing in Canada after the war, her childhood was a wretched time in her life, during which her mother was beaten by her stepfather, while Nadia was abused both verbally and physically. By the time she left home at 18, her escape was aided greatly by the same excessive use of alcohol that had helped her survive her teenage years. University and a law degree steered her into becoming an attorney, where her first years were spent in heart-wrenching criminal cases, before she moved into corporate governance law. As with many of the attorneys I’ve interviewed, heavy drinking quickly became part of her life. Like many other lawyers, Nadia was able to confine her drinking to non-work hours while she continued to function and even succeed in her legal career. But inevitably, the effects of her blossoming alcoholism, including hangovers and declining performance at work, began to intrude upon her work life. After some half-hearted attempts at sobriety, Nadia rapidly descended into the darkness of despair, from which the faint beacon of Alcoholic Anonymous finally guided her toward the rooms. Thoroughly licked, and ready to do the work, Nadia found AA in 1980, and immersed herself in all aspects of the Program, including sponsoring other women and all manner of service work, both in Canada and around the world.
Though Nadia’s personal story is well-told in the Big Book, it’s the 21 years since that story was printed that truly enhance the tale of life well-lived according the principals of the 12 steps. It’s a tale that runs the gamut from tragedy to triumph, replete with human foibles along the way. I am grateful to walk alongside people like Nadia on the road of happy destiny.
Whether you read Nadia’s Big Book story before or after listening to this interview, I think you’ll be doubly impacted by the power and grace in both versions. So please enjoy the next hour and five minutes of this episode of AA Recovery Interviews with my new friend and AA sister, Nadia S.
Check out Howard’s Big Book Podcast, the complete unabridged audio version of the First and Second Editions of Alcoholics Anonymous. The Big Book Podcast is an engaging cover-to-cover, word-for-word reading of all 11 chapters and Personal Stories, many of which were left out of the Third and Fourth Editions. Subscribe for free on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. Or listen on https://bigbookpodcast.com
[Disclaimer: AA Recovery Interviews podcast strictly adheres to AA’s 12 Traditions and all General Service Office guidelines for safe-guarding anonymity on-line. I pay all podcast production costs. No advertising is allowed. And no one receives financial gain from the show. AA Recovery Interviews and my guests do not speak for or represent AA at-large. This podcast is simply my way of giving back to AA that which has been so freely given to me. -Howard L.]