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Alejandra’s story is a heart-wrenching tale of alcoholism at its worst. Originally from Venezuela, Alejandra was raised from a baby by her grandparents while her mother’s alcoholism derailed her family. Later, after her mother got sober through AA, Alejandra accompanied her to meetings as a little girl. But that exposure to AA was not sufficient to keep her from becoming an alcoholic, and she ended up in AA herself at 15. She stayed sober until she relapsed at 22 and then began a tragic odyssey of full-blown alcoholism, traumatic experiences, and forays in and out of the rooms of AA.
When she finally got back to Alcoholics Anonymous in 2009, she was physically, emotionally, and spiritually depleted. But, by following the Program and the guidance of her sponsor, she slowly rebuilt her life of sobriety. Today, she stays in the center of the Program by attending regular meetings, maintaining the 12 Steps, and demonstrating her recovery though selfless service work in AA.
At 11 years sober, Alejandra’s life reflects the many blessings she has received through her active involvement in AA by serving others and passing those blessings onto anyone who reaches out to AA for help. So please lend your ears to the next hour and ten minutes of AA Recovery Interviews with my lovely friend and AA sister, Alejandra W.
Check out Howard’s Big Book Podcast, the complete unabridged audio version of the First and Second Editions of Alcoholics Anonymous. The Big Book Podcast is an engaging cover-to-cover, word-for-word reading of all 11 chapters and Personal Stories, many of which were left out of the Third and Fourth Editions. Follow us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. Or listen on https://bigbookpodcast.com
If you’ve enjoyed my AA Recovery Interviews series and my Big Book Podcast, have a listen to Lost Stories of the Big Book, 30 Original Stories Missing from the 3rd and 4th Editions of Alcoholics Anonymous. It’s an engaging audiobook I narrated to bring these stories to life for AA members who’ve never seen them. These timeless testamonials were originally cut to make room for newer stories in the 3rd and 4th Editions. But their vitally important messages of hope are as meaningful today as when they were first published. Many listeners will hear these stories for the first time. Lost Stories of the Big Book is available on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. It’s also available as a Kindle book or as a Paperback book from Amazon if you’d like to read along with the audio.
[Disclaimer: AA Recovery Interviews podcast strictly adheres to AA’s 12 Traditions and all General Service Office guidelines for safe-guarding anonymity on-line. I pay all podcast production costs and no one receives financial gain from the show. AA Recovery Interviews and my guests do not speak for or represent AA at-large. This podcast is simply my way of giving back to AA that which has been so freely given to me. -Howard L.]